Friday, December 20, 2013


SPAGHeTEI is a small restaurant, located in the West End of Robson St., that serves Japanese style spaghetti.

They are only open for lunch and dinner (11:45am - 10pm), and closed from 3pm - 5:30pm on weekdays.

Monday, December 16, 2013

[RECIPE] Chocolate-covered Marshmallows

As its name would suggest, it is simply marshmallows dipped in chocolate. Make it as a party favor or a housewarming gift. Or make it for a special someone (it makes a nice study snack)

dark chocolate**
sprinkles (decorations)
lollipop sticks (optional)
clear bags with twist ties (optional)

[REVIEW] Sinfully the Best

Sinfully the Best specializes in Artisan chocolates, but they also sell some wine and jam; they are located in Steveston Village. 
Sinfully The Best